Sunday May 19, 2024
Free From Desire
Sunday May 19, 2024
Sunday May 19, 2024
What do you want? Why do you want it? Are you willing to pay the price required? If so, take action. If not, you need to work out if it is something you truly want and have a solid reason for why you want it. The universe is always listening. If you are giving it mixed messages, the universe will return by providing mixed opportunities. Alignment is key.
Sunday May 12, 2024
The Battle Between Myself And I
Sunday May 12, 2024
Sunday May 12, 2024
Control is largely, an illusion. We believe we can control our lives because we control a few variables. Despite our desperate attempts, fighting with ourselves and trying to impose our will onto the world is futile, even if it happens, it will leave us in ruins.
Monday May 06, 2024
Peeling Back The Layers
Monday May 06, 2024
Monday May 06, 2024
Onions have layers, Humans have layers. So does the ego it seems.
We can get really wrapped up in our sense of self sometimes, but when digging beneath the surface it can be hard to truly decipher where we begin and where we end, where the conditioning starts and finishes. Who are you? Are you happy with who you are? What made you the person you are today?
Monday Apr 29, 2024
Stress Obsessed And The Silent Killer
Monday Apr 29, 2024
Monday Apr 29, 2024
Stress affects different people in different ways. However, if you are not dealing with and managing your stress correctly, it can quickly metastasise into all sorts of issues. Illness, depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue and a constant feeling of burnout are just some of the ways that stress can choose to manifest itself in your life if not properly managed.
Stress isn't so much an obvious feeling like anger, nor is it as easy to identify as many of us have become accustomed to our stress. It is important that we are aware of our stressors and our coping mechanisms so that we can identify and properly manage our stress to be healthy individuals.
Sunday Apr 21, 2024
Who Are You?
Sunday Apr 21, 2024
Sunday Apr 21, 2024
Who Are You Really?
In this episode of Words With Myself, we discuss the identity of self and the paradox of identity. We identify with this perception of ourselves, this character curated for our consciousness to inhabit. But is that truly all you are, if you sit back and meditate it won't be long before you notice you are not the thinker of your thoughts, so who are you really?
Sunday Apr 14, 2024
Perfectionism And The Wolf In Sheeps Clothing - Part 2
Sunday Apr 14, 2024
Sunday Apr 14, 2024
Sometimes I notice myself angered by those who seem to lack initiative and drive. It’s not my intention, but the ramifications of a deep-seated resentment dwelling beneath the surface. A disdain for those who abdicate the empty pursuit of perfection and are brave enough to relinquish their inner critic. Or, maybe it’s not a conscious effort at all. Perhaps it’s not a decision but simply a wound they never sustained.
Is that truly possible? To grow up with healthy surroundings and never pick up that chatty hitchhiker. You know who I’m referring to don’t you? That incessant, nagging voice forcing you back to the grindstone towards an ever-shifting ideal. One that’s vague and non-descript, one that only reveals the next steps after the current ones are climbed.
Are we simply to trust this? That the pursuit will eventually lead us to satisfaction. That one day, we will achieve enough, have enough or, be enough —to justify our existence. This constant need for progression, these endless goals and tiresome fights. Battles we can win, but a war that we have already lost. Some games you can lose just by playing.
These efforts aren’t entirely futile, we should all strive to be the best versions of ourselves, right? But the line is thin and difficult to draw. Intentions can be hard to decipher, especially when they are our own. Sometimes it can feel as though our ego is taking us for a ride, lashing out in self-defence and baraging us with constant tasks to obtain evidence that we are in fact, enough.
I often wonder, am I completing these assignments out of love or hate? Am I fueled by fear? A need to meet others’ expectations, a belief that only the infallible can be loved. But if this is true, does that mean nobody is? Everyone makes mistakes and we all have our flaws, so why treat ourselves as an exception? Why hold ourselves to this impossible standard?
It isn’t necessarily what we are doing that is the problem, but instead, the reasons why we are doing it in the first place. A virus that spreads as we look to others for approval, one that can only be remedied by accepting ourselves for who and what we are without separating ourselves from our dreams. To move forward not because we are not good enough, but to give ourselves the gift of fulfilling our purpose and walking our path.
This state can only be attained by letting go of our perceptions of what is good and bad, to free ourselves from dichotomy while embracing duality. These fundamental laws exist, there can be no doubt about that. But we need not rank, categorise and compare ourselves constantly. This only leads to suffering, a suffering that many never escape. Most succumb to this endless pursuit of perfection, driven by the idea that they will eventually get to a point b.
The cliche says that it isn’t about the destination but the journey, yet I pose there is no destination altogether. Only, imagined pitstops along the way, each carrying the promise of a better view to behold while blinding us to the present moment. Possibility may exist in tomorrow, but isn’t tomorrow also only a possibility? If all that captivates your mind are the next steps, how to progress to the next level or achieve the next goal, I am afraid you have lost the reason along the way.
Life is not to be lived as a series of never-ending challenges, it is not so much a game with objectives or levels, but an open-world sandbox where you get to decide how and what you contribute to make your life and the world around you interesting and beautiful. Unfortunately, the meaning of life is so simple it is rejected by most who come across it. The meaning of life is to live, to exist, to be and to explore. It is both inconsequential and immeasurably important, devoid of any inherent meaning yet meaningful in so many ways, it is not to fight duality nor dichotomy but rather to simply experience it. For the rules are what makes the game worth playing, and a game without rules is no game at all.
Sunday Apr 07, 2024
Unrealised Dreams and The Resistance That's Killing Them
Sunday Apr 07, 2024
Sunday Apr 07, 2024
Remember that thing? That thing you have always wanted to do but never had the confidence to do so?
This is an episode for those experiences crying for help, desperately awaiting your courage to step out of fear and embrace them.
Sunday Mar 31, 2024
Self-Tinted Glasses
Sunday Mar 31, 2024
Sunday Mar 31, 2024
Welcome to episode 7 of the Words With Myself podcast, where we discuss life's everyday mysteries. This episode is about perception, capturing the essence of the saying 'looking at life through rose-tinted glasses', and how our experiences and emotional states dramatically shape how we see the world.Join us as we delve into the fascinating concept of differing perceptions, evidenced in our day-to-day experiences. We talk about riding a roller coaster as an analogy, emphasizing how different individuals may experience the same event in entirely different ways based on their internal make-up or emotional state.We further discuss how your emotional state can either enhance or ruin your day. From experiencing negative emotions due to minor inconveniences or letting traffic ruin your day, to focusing on the positives and appreciating the beauty of life, we analyze how different perspectives impact our overall experience.The episode further explores how one can almost become imprisoned in a negative state, perceiving everything as hopeless and gray, purely based on the emotional lens they choose to wear. We ponder on how one's perspective clicks together when things go right and how doubt sets in when things go awry, illustrating the impact of our mental state on our perceptions.We also delve into how clouded perspectives from the past or future can prevent us from enjoying the present moment. As we guide you through a more mindful way of thinking, we stress the importance of focusing on what is happening right now to shift your present disposition positively.In the light of psychology, spirituality, and philosophy, we indicate how we often create our own form of hell by scrutinizing and punishing ourselves, eventually leading us into a dark cloud of distorted reality.In sum, we invite you to reflect on these 'glasses' that you wear – how your past experiences and emotional state may be blurring your perception of reality. This episode will encourage you to shift your perspective, challenge your perception, and experience life in a new and more enriching way.
Sunday Mar 24, 2024
Relentlessly Relentless
Sunday Mar 24, 2024
Sunday Mar 24, 2024
Welcome to a thought-provoking episode of 'Words With Myself' where we venture into the delicate balance between feelings and actions in pursuing our goals. Drawing from a personal tale of triumph in the face of discomfort, this episode emphasizes the importance of perseverance, endurance, and commitment.In this reflective narrative, the speaker embarks on a stroll in the woods, against the backdrop of inclement English weather. Despite the gloomy forecast and subsequent downpour, the speaker remains undeterred, choosing to continue the planned journey. A fortuitous change in climate sparks sunshine, transforming the initially grim journey into a vibrant walk in the woods.This episode investigates the valuable insights that arise when feelings, while validated, do not immediately drive actions. Our emotions, although profound can sometimes trick us into opting for immediate gratification and overlook long term well-being. The speaker's resolution to continue the walk irrespective of her initial reluctance, beautifully demonstrates this paradox.Our journey through life often mirrors this walk, filled with discomforts that test our resolve. Exploring this at length, the speaker urges listeners to champion their objectives even when they seem challenging, embracing the universe's tests, and steering clear of complacency.Above all, this episode serves as a gentle reminder of staying committed to our goals, even when our immediate feelings suggest otherwise. By pushing through resistance and focusing on the bigger picture, the speaker suggests we can overcome hurdles, improve our overall satisfaction, and experience the rewarding life we desire.
Sunday Mar 17, 2024
Speech With Care
Sunday Mar 17, 2024
Sunday Mar 17, 2024
Welcome to another episode of 'Words with Myself'. In this episode, we take a deep dive into the realm of language and communication. We focus on examining the transformative power of words and how they shape our world, our perceptions and our very reality. Throughout history, words have portrayed significant importance, often mirroring the chants, spells and incantations of old, signifying an ability to manifest and shape our realities.
However, in contemporary society, careful articulation and thought-provoking speech patterns seem to be fading, replaced with slang and less precise, easily dismissed terminology. Language is rapidly evolving, but with shortened sentences and rapid speech, do we still uphold the same precision in our expressions? The episode sheds light on how our language prepares the lens through which we view the world.
We touch upon the many aspects of language, from its use in politics to emotional manipulation in film and music. With examples from George Orwell's '1984', we attempt to navigate the labyrinth of linguistic manipulation. We remind you that everything you say, and every word you use is akin to a spell, shaping your universe.
This episode also discusses the influence of self-deprecating language on our consciousness and encourages the flip of negative statements into positive ones. Equipped with examples from different walks of life, we inspire a change in outlook towards oneself and our world.
Join us as we delve deep into the power of words and their effect on our lives, outlining the importance of being mindful of what we say and how we say it. Our words, after all, are our magic!